Analyse Harmonique Qualitative des Processus Markoviens des Sauts Stationnaires., pages 5-18

Authors: Cristian PREDA

Interpreter-Based Approach to Generalized Matrix inversion., pages 19-32

Authors: Predrag S. STANIMIROVIC

On Strongly Stable Graphs and Some Consequences for Partitionable Graphs., pages 33-42

Authors: Elefterie OLARU

A Mathematical Model of Evolutionary Systems., pages 43-54

Authors: Adrian ATANASIU

Some Results on Three-Persons Games with a Weighted Combination of Linear Entropic Criteria., pages 55-68

Authors: Rodica BRANZEI

On the Structure of the Romanian Relative Clauses., pages 69-90

Authors: Amalia TODIRASCU

Generation of Combinatorial Elements using Oop., pages 91-102

Authors: Horia GEORGESCU

On Complexity of Reachability of Transition Restricted Petri Nets., pages 103-106

Authors: Cristian ENE