Finding keys in particular classes of functional dependencies., pages 5-12

Authors: Stefan ANDREI

Dataflow lambda-calculus., pages 13-28

Authors: Gabriel CIOBANU

Complex Polynomial Near-Rings., pages 29-32

Authors: W. B. Vasantha KANDASAMY

On Semigroup-Semisuperboolean Algebras., pages 33-36

Authors: W. B. Vasantha KANDASAMY

A Minimal Model Computation of the Generalized Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics., pages 37-64

Authors: Cristian PAPP

**, pages 65-72

Authors: Qingbo XUE

On the “rep” construction into pi-nets., pages 73-84

Authors: Mihai ROTARU, Gabriel CIOBANU

Buchberger Algorithm in Theorem Proving., pages 85-92

Authors: Daniela TATAR

A Unification-Based Model for Speech Generation., pages 93-104

Authors: Amalia TODIRASCU

Magnetic Dynamical Systems., pages 105-126

Authors: Constantin UDRISTE, Aneta UDRISTE, Vladimir BALAN, Mihai POSTOLACHE

REVIEWS, pages 127-

Authors: BibTeX