Published in Volume XXI, Issue 2, 2011, pages 175-198

Authors: L. Cardelli, C. Laneve


We introduce reversible structures, an algebra for massive concurrent systems, where terms retain bits of causal dependencies that allow one to reverse computation histories. We then study the implementation of (weak coherent) reversible structures in three-domains DNA strands, which is the natural model that has inspired reversible structures. We finally provide schemas for modeling significant synchronization patterns of process algebra into reversible structures and discuss the encoding of asynchronous Reversible CCS.

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  title={Reversibility in Massive Concurrent Systems},
  author={L. Cardelli and C. Laneve},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={``A.I. Cuza'' University, Iasi, Romania},
  publisher={``A.I. Cuza'' University Press}