Published in Volume XXV, Issue 2, 2015, pages 211-243, doi: 10.7561/SACS.2015.2.211
Authors: J.A. Bergstra, C.A. Middelburg
We add probabilistic features to basic thread algebra and its extensions with thread-service interaction and strategic interleaving. Here, threads represent the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution and services represent the behaviours exhibited by the components of execution environments of instruction sequences. In a paper concerned with probabilistic instruction sequences, we proposed several kinds of probabilistic instructions and gave an informal explanation for each of them. The probabilistic features added to the extension of basic thread algebra with thread-service interaction make it possible to give a formal explanation in terms of non-probabilistic instructions and probabilistic services. The probabilistic features added to the extensions of basic thread algebra with strategic interleaving make it possible to cover strategies corresponding to probabilistic scheduling algorithms.
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