Published in Volume XXX, Issue 1, 2020, pages 1-24, doi: 10.7561/SACS.2020.1.1

Authors: J.A. Bergstra


The notion of a most general algebraic specification of an arithmetical datatype of characteristic zero is introduced.Three examples of such specifications are given. A preference is formulated for a specification by means of infinitely many equations which can be presented via a finite number of so-called schematic equations phrased in terms of an infinite signature. On the basis of the latter specification three topics are discussed: (i) fracterm decomposition operators and the numerator paradox,  (ii) foundational specifications of arithmetical datatypes, and  (iii) poly-infix operations.

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  title={Most General Algebraic Specifications for an Abstract Datatype of Rational Numbers},
  author={J.A. Bergstra},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Ia\c si, Rom\^ania},
  publisher={Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Ia\c si},