Published in Volume XVII, 2007, pages 113-145

Authors: P. C. Vinh


In this paper, the notion of aspect-oriented modular reconfigurable computing (AOMRC) is introduced, CSP-based behaviors of AOMRC are approached by developing a model of AOMRC and constructing a Hoare model of deterministic reconfiguration processes. Then, under the theory of coalgebras, we build a homomorphism between AOMRC and a Hoare model of deterministic reconfiguration processes. In other words, since AOMRC and the Hoare model of deterministic reconfiguration processes are seen as coalgebras, their homomorphic relationship results in the behavioral equivalence between AOMRC being carried out by a transformations-based aspect and a Hoare model of deterministic reconfiguration processes.

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  title={Homomorphism between AOMRC and Hoare Model of Deterministic Reconfiguration Processes in Reconfigurable Computing Systems},
  author={P. C. Vinh},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={``A.I. Cuza'' University, Iasi, Romania},
  publisher={``A.I. Cuza'' University Press}