Published in Volume XXXI, Issue 2, 2021, pages 223-292, doi: 10.7561/SACS.2021.2.223

Authors: E. Mandrali


In this paper we introduce a weighted LTL over product omega-valuation monoids that satisfy specific properties. We also introduce weighted generalized Buchi automata with epsilon-transitions, as well as weighted Buchi automata with epsilon-transitions over product omega-valuation monoids and prove that these two models are expressively equivalent and also equivalent to weighted Buchi automata already introduced in the literature. We prove that every formula of a syntactic fragment of our logic can be effectively translated to a weighted generalized Buchi automaton with epsilon-transitions. For generalized product omega-valuation monoids that satisfy specific properties we define a weighted LTL, weighted generalized Buchi automata with epsilon-transitions, and weighted Buchi automata with epsilon-transitions, and we prove the aforementioned results for generalized product omega-valuation monoids as well. The translation of weighted LTL formulas to weighted generalized Buchi automata with epsilon-transitions is now obtained for a restricted syntactical fragment of the logic.

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  title={A Translation of Weighted LTL Formulas to Weighted Buchi Automata over omega-valuation Monoids},
  author={E. Mandrali},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Ia\c si, Rom\^ania},
  publisher={Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Press, Ia\c si},