Published in Volume XIX, 2009, pages 25-55

Authors: G. Velinov, M. Kon Popovska, and D. Gligoroski


As far as we know, in the open scientific literature, there is no generalized framework for the optimization of relational data warehouses which includes view and index selection and vertical view fragmentation. In this paper we are offering such a framework. We propose a formalized multidimensional model, based on relational schemas, which provides complete vertical view fragmentation and presents an approach of the transformation of a fragmented snowflake schema to a defragmented star schema through the process of denormalization.

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  title={A Generalized Approach to Optimization of Relational Data Warehouses Using Hybrid Greedy and Genetic Algorithms},
  author={G. Velinov and M. Kon Popovska and D. Gligoroski},
  journal={Scientific Annals of Computer Science},
  organization={``A.I. Cuza'' University, Iasi, Romania},
  publisher={``A.I. Cuza'' University Press}