Rich Student Life
- Asociatia Studenţilor Informaticieni Ieşeni (ASII): meetings, competitions, online magazine, etc.
- Microsoft Academic Alliance
- participation to several important contests: Imagine Cup, Google Summer of Code, ACM Contest etc.
- strong collaboration between students and professors (organization of different academic events, book chapters written by students, participation to international or national conferences,…)
Subsidiary of the “Mihai Eminescu” Central Library, the Faculty’s library counts about 3000 volumes and a collection of different magazines and journals. Many volumes from the library are generously donated by Microsoft.
Location: University “Al. I. Cuza” of Iasi, building C, 1st floor, Str. General Berthelot, 16.
Internet facilities
The students and the Faculty’s personnel have fully access to Internet services (e-mail, FTP, Web) via RoEduNet academic network. Faculty has several main Linux servers and other additional servers for Internet/Intranet access, including students’ campus.
Our students can be given scholarships according to their results at the admission contest and in the examinations during the academic years. The best students are awarded special prizes every year. Yearly, a number of students have opportunity to study abroad 1 or 2 semesters in the ECTS system (within SOCRATES program).
Additionally, there are available certain industrial scholarships, provided by different companies, such as Siemens VDO.